Bus manufacturing

We offer a wide range of adhesives and sealants for buses.
Our products are tailored to the specific needs of the industry and provide several advantages in the manufacturing process. Adhesives and sealants are sufficiently elastic, strong and durable.
They can be used for fiberglass reinforced polyester, powder coatings, composites, glasses and metals.
  • welding seams, roofing, floors, panels and interiors,
  • structural bonding of panels, roofing and flooring elements,
  • bonding and sealing windows made of mineral glass, polycarbonate or other plastics coating of floor elements.

MS Polymer adhesives

Sabatack 710

Sprayable sealant adhesive

Selsil Ultra Clear

Clear sealant

Sabatack 780

Very strong, elastic sealant and adhesive

Sabatack 790

Super fast adhesive and sealant

Sabatack 750

Universal adhesive and sealant

Sabatack 760 XL 

Fast, primer-free windshield adhesive


Hyper-fast adhesive

Sabatack Fast

Fast two-component adhesive

PU adhesives

MFIX 763

Windshield adhesive with primer

PU 50

General construction sealant

PU 60 HV

Automotive adhesive


For industrial applications

Contact adhesives

Sabaspray FR AV

Sprayable contact adhesive


Balker packaging - EMFI quality

MFiX BLP 722             

Contact adhesive in canister

Szuper Tradifix

Extra strong adhesive

Two component structural adhesives, Primers – Cleaners, Technical Sprays

Crestabond M1-05

Methyl acrylate structural adhesive

Crestabond M1-20       

Methyl acrylate structural adhesive


For better adhesion

Technical Sprays

Technical, chemical products